This morning I took the last of the prednisone for round one, and am thus, officially, done with round one.
The next one is starting in 2 weeks.
The Friday evening after the treatment and the next morning I was very nauseated. I felt like I’d downed half a pub of beer the evening before. Luckily this passed by midday Sunday, and aside from the fatigue, everything felt quite manageable. The lump in my armpit has shrunk dramatically. It was sticking out about a centimetre 5 days ago, and is almost level now. This is most likely not because the chemotherapy is already working, but because the prednisone is suppressing the swelling. Either way, it’s pleasant for me since it means it’s not bothering me as much, and I can sleep on it again.
Other side-effects that are already bothering me are dry mucous membranes (eyes, mouth etc.) making me uncomfortable. The prednisone is also causing me to hold on to fluids. My face is a bit puffy and my joint feel somewhat uncomfortable. At least I still have my hair. The least pleasant is the fatigue. I’m sleeping a lot and, and doing anything takes a disproportionate amount of energy. I feel a little like an elderly man. This means I need to use my energy wisely and try and take it easy as much as possible. With lots of sleep I’ll be right as rain.
All in all I’m doing all right. I’ll battle my way through this. Thanks for the support everyone! When there is something to tell you about I’ll write another update.